Thursday, June 4, 2009

What a maternity session- Univ of Tampa

So it is Summer time, and I am feeling this great wave of relaxation come over my shoulders- well, I am not taking a break from doing photo sessions, but I am taking a break from being a "blog slave"- I cannot seem to find the time to add to my blog each day. My two little guys are out of school, I am training for more triathlons (I've done three since April- I will be doing the 1/2 Ironman in November), and I am really trying to just edit sessions and complete orders. So I will still blog some sessions, but not all of them.
This session was from last weekend- oh how I love a gorgeous family that is so wonderful to photograph! They even smiled at all of my crazy things that I did! Thank you "W" family for a great session!