Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cover For The Tampa Bay Parenting Magazine (Tampa Child Photographer)

Sorry, it has been way too long since I have posted anything. I just got back from the Disney Cruise (it was just awesome by the way), and I realized how far behind I have gotten with my blog! I was honored to have the cover of Tampa Bay Parenting for April! This image was shot at The Bloom Garden Center. Grace and Trixie were my models. You have seen Trixie before since she is the super model extraordinaire! She was the dog that was filmed last year for TLC (I was the lucky photographer to be on national TV with her). I wanted to let you all know that I will be at Seedlings next month on May 15th for the Third Annual Baby Shower event! It is going to be huge so please bring all of your friends with baby bumps with you! Since half of April is almost over, please make sure you tell all of the newborns out there about my April special! Bring your own branch, get ready to hang and get a free one hour newborn session! This is for new clients only!

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