Thursday, August 13, 2009

Name your location! High School Senior Sessions (Tampa Photographer)

I am just amazed with my crazy thoughts that come to me around 2:00 in the morning. As most of you know, I really do not sleep that much anyway so it should come as no surprise that I do my best work in the very early morning hours. My teenboard tryouts begin next week, and I wanted to throw a little teaser out there to the Class of 2010. Email me with your session time/date request, and also include the craziest (but safe) on-location spot to do your session at.
From all of your requests, I will select the coolest location, and your session will be free (you will get a free entry into the teenboard program). Your best friend will also get the session for free!
Ok- so is this a cool idea or what? I am also doing a contest like this for a free Family Holiday session this year. As you know, I like to have themes for my holiday sessions. I have a two part theme this year that I will announce in a few weeks so please check back. So, if you have a really fun family that wants to capture a super cool place in Tampa for your holiday session please email me ASAP (date/time/location). You could win a free holiday session for your family!
These ideas are 100% my own creation so I will kindly ask other photographers to please not repeat my contest ideas.

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