Friday, February 27, 2009

My Ad For Tampa Bay Pareting!

Don't you just love Lucky Charms? I am just like my kids- I pick out all of the Marshmallows and throw away all of the cereal. Well my Ad for the March issue of Tampa Bay Parenting was inspired by my breakfast, and the fact that I am the youngest of three children. You see, to this day, I am still not sure who my parents truly are since my mom never took me to get my photograph. She has amazing images of my brother (the oldest), some cute ones of my sister (the second), and about two of me from birth to ten. My intentions were to offer 1/2 off session fees for "other than the first born child", but then I wanted to include mom's that are brave enough to bring anything that is living under their roof to my studio- dogs, cats, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, snakes (eek)- if it has a mouth to feed by you then bring it (just please do not bring the squirrels that are outside eating your garbage like at my house since they have to actually live under your roof and not on top of it! Hope to see you all in March!

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