Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nicole Geller Photography- Tampa- last session

Yes- this was my official last session at the studio that was in my home. It was very special to me since Ms. L's mommy is Aly Zamore. She is the owner of Divine Events. I have had the pleasure of working with Aly for over two years now. She actually came to my new storefront studio on Friday (4220 W. Bay to Bay), and took charge of the move-in process. I cannot thank you enough for all of my girlfriends that helped me out last week! The studio is up and running- I have had 3 sessions there this week already- 6 more to go until the week is over. I love my new location- tons of attention. Please come and see me!

Monday, July 27, 2009

I have made the move! (Tampa Photographer)

Yes- it is official. I moved this past Friday! If you haven't seen it yet, please stop by to see my new "Pink" building. It is at 4220 W. Bay to Bay Blvd (next to Estealls, it was originally the Pink Pineapple). I had my first session yesterday- it was just perfect! I wanted to post the images from my last two sessions that I did last Thursday. This first set is of sweet Ms. "S"- how cute is she? I have two full walls of props for girls in my new studio- yes, I love to dress them up (after all, when you have boys, the only one that I can dress up is Carl- my dog, which yes, he is a boy too). I will post more tomorrow.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Nicole Geller Photography Tampa- Big Big News

I am amazed and honored with everyone that reads my blog, and calls me if I post anything at all! Well .... I have some super great news! I just signed my lease for my new studio storefront! It will be at: 4220 W. Bay to Bay Blvd. The perfect location for my business!

I fell in love with it from the second I walked inside! I cannot believe that I will be taking my two studios and making them into four! I wanted to keep it a surprise until the August issue of Tampa Bay Parenting hits, but I just couldn't keep it a secret any longer. So you might be concerned that my prices will go up, and I will be a bored photographer at my new studio. Well I have been working on two super programs for the entire summer (hence no blogging time). My studio fees will stay $80.00/$100.00, and my packages will still be very reasonable.
The Tampa Bay Parenting Ad will feature my new contest from Oct 1-31. Can you believe how busy I have been with these super fun images? Oh so many new things at Nicole Geller Photography! I have the most awesome new 2010 Senior Program that has taken me forever to develop. Stay tuned for details that I will post in the next few days! It is a program that no one has ever developed, and I hope that no one steals!
So drop me a line, bring your painting brushes and come see me at my new studio! Bring the pets too- I need some paw prints on the walls!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

So How Is Your Summer Going? (Tampa Photographer)

Well.... I have to admit that I really miss adding to my blog each day. I am just having such an amazing Summer, and the days are really flying by! I have had so many great sessions the past few weeks- from gorgeous maternity images to babies to families on the beach to corporate head shots. I wish that I could post them all, but I am still going to hold off until August. I have so much exciting news, but I am going to wait to post it until August so you will have to check back. I can share one piece of awesome news- I will be in New York city August 4-5 shooting with some of the industry's best photographers- it is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I am thrilled to be amongst the elitist group that will be in New York on these dates! If you have not booked your 2009 holiday sessions yet, please take a look at your calendar and contact me since I am now starting my holiday sessions (just crazy). I have a great teaser gift so please contact me for the details! I hope that you are taking in every second of the "Summer of Innocence" as I am. I named it this since my boys are now four and six- I feel as if we are having the best memories of our lives! Check back in a few for maybe one very important announcement!